• Comfortably unaware

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    Comfortably Unaware: What we choose to eat is killing our planet
    By Dr Richard A Oppenlander

    "Every day each of us must make choices and then, ultimately, take responsibility for the comprehensive impact of those decisions. Therefore, it seems to be the inherent duty of everyone to make as informed a choice as possible. We should all be committed to understanding the reality and consequences of our diet, the footprint it makes on our environment, and seek food products that are in the best interest of all living things."
    Richard A. Oppenlander, 1989

    This is an excellent, well written book that brings home the reality of the environmental impact our food choices have on the planet. A must read for all, and a book that deserves a place in the school curriculum.
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. Lloyd's Avatar
      Lloyd -
      I was given this book by a friend for my birthday, I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed this book, at times it was a little tough, simply because of the statistics, but they are not many and the book is so interesting that you can't put it down. I think it should be a book that is read in schools.
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