• Bergamot - Citrus Bergamia

    The bergamot tree, a native of Italy, produces an intensely sour fruit. The rind is rich in a distinctive oil which is used, amongst other things, in Early Grey tea and eau de cologne.

    Key actions:
    Relaxing and Uplifting.
    A light yellow or pale green oil with an extremely rich, sweet, green and fruity smell.

    Mental health
    Has an antidepressant effect that can help balance moods and ease anxiety.

    Has a balancing effect on the skin. Its antiseptic properties make it useful for acne, boils and other skin complaints.

    Has an antimicrobial effect useful for genitourinary infections, sore throat, mouth ulcers, cystitis and tummy bugs. A cool compress soothes feverish conditions.

    Massage over the stomach to ease colic, painful wind and indigestion.

    See 'Safe Use of Essential Oils' article.

    Bath, massage, diffusion, compress or inhalation.
    Blends well with: Cypress, Melissa, neroli, frankincense and black pepper.

    Non-irritating in dilution. Phototoxic: avoid using on the skin if going into sunlight within 12 hours.
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