The health benefits of dates
These succulent, sweet fruits offer you a natural energy boost when you are flagging throughout the day, and by eating them they reward you with much needed vitamins and minerals.
The first archaeological evidence of date cultivation can be found in Western Pakistan around 7000 BC, as well as Eastern Arabia in 6000 BC. In those days dates were the most dominant source of nutrients, forming the basis of the traditional diet, even today their popularity has not waned; they are the most abundant crop in the United Arab Emirates.
Different varieties of dates have varying nutritional values however, collectively they are a rich source of energy due to their high natural sugars, in addition they are a great source of minerals including selenium, copper, potassium and magnesium.
When consumed dates are an excellent food source for promoting digestive health and relieving constipation. The insoluble and soluble fiber found in dates can help promote regular bowel movements, this promotes a healthier colon, allowing for greater efficiency, helping to reduce the risk of colitis, colon cancer and haemorrhoids.
Due to the rich source of magnesium dates have to offer they can be considered as an anti-inflammatory food, therefore the consumption of dates along with a magnesium rich diet can help to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, arthritis and Alzheimer's disease. In addition the magnesium and potassium content combined make a dates a great food source for reducing a high blood pressure, and they can play a role in reducing your risk of strokes.
Your teeth and skin can benefit too, dates contain fluorine, this chemical inhibits tooth decay by strengthening tooth enamel and removing plaque. Red dates are an excellent source of vitamin c and flavonoids, these help to improve the elasticity of your skin and enrich the subcutaneous tissues, this can lead to a smoother, more youthful complexion.
The high levels of copper also helps to prevent premature ageing and maintain the colour of your eyes well into old age. Copper is also known to help prevent greying of the hair, making dates a powerful anti-ageing food.
The nutrients found in dates

A quick look at some of the top nutrients found in dates.
Copper - Mineral
- Helps maintain blood volume
- Produces energy in your cells from carbohydrates
- Supports the building of strong tissue
- Involved in the manufacturing of collagen
- Helps maintain a healthy balance of cholesterol
- Assists in the prevention of premature ageing
- Reduces the symptoms of arthritis
- Maintains eye colour
- Helps regulate the heart beat
- Promotes quick wound healing
Pyridoxine - Vitamin B6
- Protects the immune system
- Maintains a healthy metabolism
- Helps to produce energy from food
- Promotes healthy hormones
- Maintains healthy cells
- Assists in the absorption of vitamin B12
- Improves neurological function
- Promotes healthy brain function
- Reduces premenstrual symptoms
- Helps to prevent arterosclerosis and heart disease
Pantothenic acid - Vitamin B5
- Reduces stress and anxiety
- Turns carbohydrates into energy
- Contributes to a healthy digestive tract
- Helps to maintain a healthy nervous system
- Keeps skin healthy and has a moisturising effect
- Essential in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates
- Helps balance and lower cholesterol
- Can help in the process of liver detoxification
Potassium - mineral
- Supports a healthy nervous system
- Helps maintain a healthy blood pressure
- Maintains a healthy kidney function
- Regulates fluid balance
- Lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease
- Helps to improve bone and muscle health
- Helps to reduce anxiety
Magnesium - Mineral
- Helps protein synthesis
- Supports the nervous system
- Improves cellular metabolism
- Regulates heart rhythm
- Reduces the risk of osteoporosis
- Reduces eclamptic seizures
- Helps with muscle relaxation
- Assists with bone and teeth formation
- Regulates the body's use of calcium and other minerals
- Helps maintain structural health of cell membranes
- Reduces the risk of type two diabetes
- Reduces the symptoms of asthma
Manganese - Mineral
- Supports the formation of healthy bones through absorption of calcium
- Supports collagen production
- Helps with the control of blood sugar
- Contributes to the prevention of oxygen related damage and damage from ultraviolet (UV) light
- Antioxidant, fights free radical damage. Diets low in manganese have been linked to skin problems and asthma
- Proper functioning of the thyroid gland
- Promotes metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.
Niacin - Vitamin B3
- Helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels
- Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
- Balances blood sugar levels
- Helps to reduce acne
- Helps improve skin health
- Supports proper neurological function
- Helps protect against Alzheimer's disease
- Helps to promote joint mobility
- Can help prevent erectile dysfunction
- Helps to improve digestion
Iron - Mineral
- formation of blood cells
- Supports healthy muscle function
- Helps in brain development
- Helps to regulate body temperature
- Supports a healthy neurological function
- Oxygen carrier from one cell to another
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