The health Benefits of Chia.
Chia seeds were first cultivated over 4,000 years ago in South and Central America. The seed was grown as a food crop for energy, endurance and wellbeing.
Highly prized by the Aztec Emperors, chia was used as currency, and given as religious offerings and used at burial ceremonies.
Ancient civilisations believed that chia seeds provided supernatural powers, and in Mayan the word 'chia' means strength. For a while this ancient grain disappeared from general use, but resurfaced in Argentina as a result of cultivation. Today Australia is fast becoming the main producer of chia.
More recently chia is acknowledged for an array of vitamins, minerals and amino acids but, what sets this little beauty apart from other foods is that it packs a whopping 20% protein.
Considered a modern day superfood, chia can help with weight control, improve digestion, benefit heart health and provide energy.
Chia seeds absorb up to twelve times their weight in water, forming a gel capsule