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Thread: Article: That Sugar Film

  1. #1
    Administrator Louise's Avatar
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    Article: That Sugar Film

    Organically Pure
    Changing the way you live your life

  2. #2
    Looks interesting, where can I buy this film? Is it available in the UK?

  3. #3
    Administrator Louise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John B View Post
    Looks interesting, where can I buy this film? Is it available in the UK?
    It is an excellent film, funny in places, an easy documentary to watch. I highly recommend it.
    All the images in Books/DVDs are links to places you can purchase the item from.
    so, click the image in the article and you will be redirected. Let us know what you think.

  4. #4
    What a great film, I watched this film a while back, and thought it was quite entertaining.
    I couldn't believe the outcome of eating 'healthy' food. It's crazy!
    Why aren't more people aware of this kind of information.
    Anyway, I highly recommend it, it changed me

  5. #5
    This looks right up my street, some documentaries are so dry.
    People seem very oblivious to the amount of sugar they consume.

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