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Thread: Are You Happy?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    May 2017

    Are You Happy?

    I saw this video from the 'Happiest man on earth', I think he has some good ideas on getting and staying happy. I think happiness is something we could all do with a little bit more of.

  2. #2
    Who say's he is the happiest man on earth? I might be!

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by guv-ner View Post
    Who say's he is the happiest man on earth? I might be!
    Well are you?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Alison66 View Post
    Well are you?
    Ha ha! Sadly, no!

    So, I guess unless someone else wants to take on the title it best kept with this man. Anyway, its not a title I'd like to carry in truth, it means that people will always be judging you and the pressure of being happy all of the thanks!

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by guv-ner View Post
    ...its not a title I'd like to carry in truth, it means that people will always be judging you and the pressure of being happy all of the thanks!
    Wow! I don't think iv'e ever considered being happy as a burden, but I guess you are right, if you are given the title would be a heavy burden.

    I think his recommendations are easy to say, but clearly less easy to follow. I do try and these points, although I fail miserably at the first one... Don't worry about things you can not change.

  6. #6
    I think it must be relatively easy to be happy when they have the life they live. I am not for one minute knocking them, in fact I wish I could simplify my life to be more in line with theirs, but, they do live a very, very simple and basic life, they wear the same clothes every day. So, choose not to be sucked into commercialism, eat simply, have time to meditate, they live in monestries where work is shared out. They have less worries, bills, commitments etc

    So, shouldn't one of the guides to happiness be to simplify your life? only what you need, grow what you can, eat maybe one or two meals a day (less shopping, cooking, and cleaning), work less because you are not buying more, be happy with the things you have and not be sucked into having the latest, newest, on trend item. Enjoy the outdoors more, the free countryside.

    As I've got older I realise that the I've wasted thousands of pounds in the pursuit of a happiness that never arrived. The simple life is by far the most rewarding and happiest life.

  7. #7
    You don't have to be a monk to live a simple life, there are lots of ways you can scale down your life.

    I think the points he makes are good, but often difficult to achieve at all imes of the day. Maybe by being more mindful will help us to achieve happiness.

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