This crazy world
, 5th July 2020 at 15:05 (21643 Views)
The year 2020 has been a crazy year and we are only 7 months into it, to predict the next 5 months would be worthy of a bet! Although my bet would be you will lose, it seems the coming months are impossible to predict. With societal, climate and financial changes occurring seemingly daily, living through these times almost seems a like a mugs game.
So why did I choose the beautiful, vibrant leaves of the Ginko Biloba tree to represent this blog? Quite simply, it is the oldest tree on the planet, and is said to be the only living thing to have survived the Hiroshima bomb! I think you may see my connection now
The beautiful Ginko Biloba tree has a spirit which we must muster, one of survival through great periods of change. In fact, it is only considered middle aged when it is about 300-500 years old, with some species living to 1000 years of age.
The slow place of its life and love for its natural surroundings means it has developed a commonality with us all during lockdown. During this time, those of us who could venture out into our gardens, patios, parks and countryside did so, in fact, humans turned to nature and felt better for it.
It seems we do have a natural inbuilt system that knows when, in times of stress, we should naturally turn to nature for our healing and wellbeing. We were told that sunshine will help boost our immunity through the development of vitamin D, and we quickly learned that being locked in, without a purpose affected our mental health.
Life is starting to come out of lockdown now and whilst I hoped that the collective would remember the importance of nature in our lives and to our psyche, I somehow fear this connection may be short lived. But one can dream!
If all else fails I can rest in the knowledge that while everything crumbles around me the Ginko Biloba tree will continue to plod its path through our existence with grace, fortitude and beauty. There is a lot we can learn from this beautiful tree.