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About Louise

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About Louise
After years of being surrounded by ill health, I started to question what was causing it and if it was normal. Years of study later and I have come to believe strongly in the notion that when the body has the right nutrients, it can heal itself of most conditions we see today.
I want to raise awareness of the importance of nutrition and highlight that aches and pains, disease and depression are not an aging process but simply a lack of nutrition.
The human body is not designed to have processed, chemical laden food. It makes us sick, so, I hope to be one of the many people out there trying to raise awareness and hopefully, I may change someone's life for the better.


Organically Pure
Changing the way you live your life


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Join Date
23rd June 2015
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WiFi disturbance

by Louise on 25th September 2020 at 10:14
We recently changed our broadband provider and along with this change came a new WiFi router. We have noticed, (with hindsight) that since having this new broadband we are not feeling 100% energised, in fact there are days when we are flagging, both physically and mentally. Despite an increase in vitamins and a review of the foods we eat, there seems to be little change in the way we feel. After falling upon a YouTube video about WiFi and the effects on the body from the emf waves that are emitted

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Travelling light

by Louise on 8th August 2020 at 20:15
Travelling light wherever you go is always a skill, but when travelling away for an extended time, with little to no luggage space, and no washing facilities travelling light suddenly becomes an art!

I was introduced to Merino wool by my husband, but in true wedded bliss style, I completely ignored my husbands higher knowledge of packing! Until one day I succumb to a vest! After that, I quickly became a fan, followed by obsessed. And no the majority of my clothing is Merino wool in

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Taking Organically Pure on tour

by Louise on 3rd August 2020 at 18:51
I have always been keen on travelling and visiting new places, seeing new cultures and seeing the world as it really is and not through the lens of the media. It is amazing how different the world is and the people are toward foreigners.

When my husband and I travel we try to be self sufficient, buying only fresh foods in the local villages or from road side sellers. We travel in our Toyota Landcruiser 80’s series which doubles up as our accommodation while we are away.

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This crazy world

by Louise on 5th July 2020 at 15:05

The year 2020 has been a crazy year and we are only 7 months into it, to predict the next 5 months would be worthy of a bet! Although my bet would be you will lose, it seems the coming months are impossible to predict. With societal, climate and financial changes occurring seemingly daily, living through these times almost seems a like a mugs game.

So why did I choose the beautiful, vibrant leaves of the Ginko Biloba tree to represent this blog?

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My Reiki Journey

by Louise on 26th April 2018 at 17:45

So, I began my reiki journey some years ago, it has been a slow and rocky road at times with many delays in getting me to where I am now. At times I felt frustrated by the pace of the journey and what seemed like an endless cycle of disappointments and shut doors. In hind sight, which, as they say, is a great thing, I realise the shut doors were there to give me the time to heal my own life wounds.

It is only once these wounds begin to

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