• Fruit

    by Published on 29th June 2017 11:39
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    The Amazing health benefits of avocados.

    Avocados have received a mixed press over the years and have often swung between being classified as a trendy health food we should all consume and a high fat fruit we should stay well away from. Both suggestions of the fruit being healthy and high in fat are accurate descriptions of the fruit or, to be more specific, single seeded berry.

    Avocados date as far back as 10,000 BC with records showing their appearance in Mexico, along with other areas including the West Indies and Guatemala. Today Mexico is the worlds largest producer and exporter of avocados commanding a 45 percent share of the world market.

    In addition to the legendary fat content, there is a wealth of other nutrients packed into avocados, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and manganese as well as an array of phytonutrients, these all offer exceptional anti-inflammatory ...
    by Published on 12th May 2017 11:08
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    The Health Benefits of Strawberries.

    Strawberries epitomise summer, and most people can link memories of their childhood to picking these sweet, little, red beauties in the 'Pick your own' farms, popular in the 1970's and 1980's.

    They have grown wild for thousands of years in Europe, Asia and North America and have been cultivated for many hundreds of years. Strawberries belong to the rose family of plants, which includes apples, almonds, apricots and cherries to name but a few.

    The demand for strawberries has grown over the years with sporting events, such as Wimbledon being linked to their consumption. The United States is the worlds largest producers of strawberries, other main producers include Mexico, Spain, Korea, Poland, Turkey ...
    by Published on 20th February 2017 13:35
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    The health benefits of dates

    These succulent, sweet fruits offer you a natural energy boost when you are flagging throughout the day, and by eating them they reward you with much needed vitamins and minerals.

    The first archaeological evidence of date cultivation can be found in Western Pakistan around 7000 BC, as well as Eastern Arabia in 6000 BC. In those days dates were the most dominant source of nutrients, forming the basis of the traditional diet, even today their popularity has not waned; they are the most abundant crop in the United Arab Emirates.

    Different varieties of dates have varying nutritional values however, collectively they are a rich source of energy due to their high natural sugars, in addition they are a great source of minerals including selenium, copper, potassium and magnesium.

    When consumed dates are an excellent food source for promoting digestive health ...
    by Published on 15th February 2017 14:13
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    The health benefits of mangoes.

    Ripe mangoes are delicious and succulent, and appear to bring the sunshine to all those who consume them. They were originally cultivated by Buddhist monks in Southern Asia almost 4000 years ago, and it is said that Buddha himself meditated under a mango tree.
    Mangoes are the national fruit of India and are greatly revered, they are said to symbolize life, so it comes as no surprise that almost half of the worlds mangoes are cultivated in India, with the second source being China.
    Mangoes are a member of the drupe family, which also includes olives, dates and coconuts, the word drupe means stone fruit.
    Mangoes have been given the title of 'King of fruits', a worthy title for such a delicious, health giving fruit, abundant in vitamins and minerals. The powerful anti-oxidants found within mangoes help to neutralize ...
    by Published on 10th January 2017 12:33
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    The health benefits of pears.

    Pears should not be overlooked as an everyday, affordable fruit, they are packed with phytonutrients, in fact along with apples they are ranked as the second highest source of flavonoids amongst all fruits and vegetables.

    Pears are a member of the rose family, which of course includes roses, but also, apples, cherries, plums, raspberries and almonds to name but a few. There are more than 3000 varieties of pear world wide and they come in an array of colours including red, yellow, green and brown. The skin on the pear contain about half of the total fiber content , as well as three to four times as many phytonutrients as the ...
    by Published on 19th November 2016 19:42
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    The Health Benefits of Lemons

    Lemons were thought to have originated some 2,500 years ago in China or India, but it wasn't until the Crusaders introduced them to Europe that we got to fully appreciate the refreshing, astringent fruit. It was Christopher Columbus that brought lemons to the Americas in 1493, where they have remained a firm favourite to this day.
    Whilst a well known antioxidant, lemons were once famous for the prevention of Scurvy amongst sailors. Although today, we are more likely to celebrate the immune boosting benefits of lemons.

    The major producers of lemons around the world are the United States, Spain, ...
    by Published on 11th November 2016 16:13
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    The Benefits of Eating Bananas

    The banana has become a favourite the world over, and the most popular consumed fruit in America, beating apples and oranges combined.
    Once native to South East Asia, but now grown in more that 107 countries this creamy sweet fruit packs an antioxidant punch. Despite popular belief bananas are classed as a berry and are grown on an arborescent (tree like) perennial herb, not a tree; there is some suggestion that the humble banana maybe one of the worlds oldest fruits, dating back to 8000 B.C.

    The banana industry is worth a staggering $44.1 billion annually, which includes $8.9 billion a year in export and is considered the fourth most valuable global crop. Nearly nine-tenths of the worlds ...
    by Published on 3rd November 2016 19:02
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    Incredible Benefits of Eating Watermelon.

    It is believed that watermelon originated in Africa some several thousand years ago and became a firm favourite, spreading across to Asia and then Europe. Surprisingly, China is now the worlds top supplier of this juicy, refreshing fruit.
    It may be interesting to note that it is part of the cucumber family, is 92% water and all of the watermelon is edible, including the rind!

    Watermelon has come under greater scrutiny lately, with interest being given to the nutrient quality of the fruit. Watermelon is high in lycopene, which is part of the caroteniod family. This phytonutrient is the pigment which gives the watermelon a rich red colour and is bursting with antioxidants, it has been shown to be effective in ...
    by Published on 25th October 2016 15:27
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    2. Fruit
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    Apples are in season

    Eve ate one, Steve made one and Newton was hit by one. This beautifully simple fruit is even known to keep the doctor away, but does its deserve such recognition?

    The list of health benefits from the humble apple is extensive and growing all the time. Top benefits include reduced cancer risk, heart health and immune support, the many benefits include:

    Health benefits

    Prevention of dementia
    Reduce cholesterol levels
    Reduce lung and colon risk
    Help with weight control
    Improves circulation
    Helps to maintain blood sugar levels

    Cardiovascular benefits
    Apples are a rich source of ...
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