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Thread: Irritable bowel

  1. #1
    Member sophie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Irritable bowel

    Please can anyone offer some sound dietary advice on my mothers irritable bowel?

    It has plagued her for years and seems to cause her no end of suffering, from bloating to cramping, loose stools to constipation.

    She has been on peppermint capsules, and a mix of other mess from the doctors or over-the-counter. All with varying degrees of benefit.

    Has anyone suffered this? And can offer any suggestions?

  2. #2
    I get this from time to time, the best advice I can offer is to try and avoid those foods that cause the problem. I dont think there is a cut and dry solution to this.

  3. #3
    Have you tried Aloe juice? This stuff is amazing and very soothing on the gut.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    I get bloating after eating bread, so I only eat it on rare occasions.

    Eliminate the foods that cause you problems. Or cut out everything from your diet and start back on very plain whole food. Introduce processed foods back into your diet slowly.

  5. #5
    Try taking a digestive aid supplement, or probiotics. I hear they can work really well, but shop around, because there is a wide variety of quality supplements.

  6. #6
    My mother also suffers from IBS. She always nervous about everything. I often chill her out with a cup of chamomile tea. I read an article about the health benefit of chamomile then found this article It said that chamomile is loaded with the antispasmodic property and rich in the amount of tannins which can excellently provide a great source of relief of IBS symptoms, including diarrhea. This kind of flower also aids in treating both the inflammation in the intestines and abdominal spasms. I usually add three teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers in a cup of boiled water and wait for about 15 minutes to let it steep. After that, I strain it out and add a little amount of lemon juice. You should try make her a nice cup of tea every morning.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by lucymc View Post
    My mother also suffers from IBS. She always nervous about everything. I often chill her out with a cup of chamomile tea. I read an article about the health benefit of chamomile then found this article It said that chamomile is loaded with the antispasmodic property and rich in the amount of tannins which can excellently provide a great source of relief of IBS symptoms, including diarrhea. This kind of flower also aids in treating both the inflammation in the intestines and abdominal spasms. I usually add three teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers in a cup of boiled water and wait for about 15 minutes to let it steep. After that, I strain it out and add a little amount of lemon juice. You should try make her a nice cup of tea every morning.
    This is really interesting, I didn't realise chamomile is so effective. I have read that it is generally good for digestive complaints such as indigestion, peptic ulcers, and bouts of colic.

    It's also good to help calm irritability, nervousness, and tension headaches, helping to promote sleep and relaxation. Your mother may find this aspect beneficial too Lucymc.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Yogi001 View Post
    This is really interesting, I didn't realise chamomile is so effective. I have read that it is generally good for digestive complaints such as indigestion, peptic ulcers, and bouts of colic.

    It's also good to help calm irritability, nervousness, and tension headaches, helping to promote sleep and relaxation. Your mother may find this aspect beneficial too Lucymc.
    Yeah me either until I read the article and let her try that method for a couple week. It actually turns out much better!

  9. #9
    Member sophie's Avatar
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    Nov 2016
    Wow! Thanks for all your suggestions guys, Mum has been drinking organic peppermint tea 3 times a day and she find this works really well too.

  10. #10
    Member Daisy82's Avatar
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    Nov 2016
    Mint tea is so soothing, if you have smoothies, throw in some fresh mint.

    I hear IBS can be difficult to treat because of the varied causes, so it's often about finding the stimulant and cutting it from your diet.

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