Does anyone have any recommendations for dealing with crippling, itchy eczema.
The doctors prescribe steroid cream, but I would like to try something more natural.
Does anyone have any recommendations for dealing with crippling, itchy eczema.
The doctors prescribe steroid cream, but I would like to try something more natural.
I think eczema is much like all skin conditions, they are a symptom of an imbalanced body. I think what you consume can heal the skin, not what you apply to the skin.
Saying that, it takes time to balance the body and sort out skin from within. So, for quick relief have you tried a oat milk bath? Ideally goats milk and an old stocking. Fill the stocking with organic oats so it looks like a bag of sugar, or smaller, tie it, so the oats don't come out into your bath, pour some goats milk into the bath and then just have a soak, this should help to ease the itch.
But, I would work on your skin from the inside out. Doctors only seem to focus on creams.
Have you tried aloe Vera? Both internally and directly applied to the skin?
I would stay clear of anything scented too, minimise chemicals.
I also agree with Daisy82's post, Collodial oatmeal can be very soothing.
Ouch! Eczema itch is horrible, I really feel for you.
I have read that relaxing in a bath of Dead Sea salt is meant to be beneficial, but I should imagine it would sting if your skin is broken.
I'm not sure if you have tried this, you can get some sea salts with an oil in, which may be moisturising, just be careful getting out of the bath.
Eat plenty of foods containing vitamin E and A, these are good for your skin.
Wash with natural products, and slather coconut oil on your skin, it make take the itch away.
Your skin is a mirror of what is going on internally. It might be worth paying closer attention to your diet, stripping it back to the basics of fruit and vegetables, with a strong emphasis on veg. Cutting out all refined products, breads, cakes, sugars etc, and dairy, just for three weeks and see how your skin reacts, add in some good supplements of vitamins, minerals and pro-biotics.
I would be shocked if you do not see a marked improvement in that short space of time.
I think kept the problem is really bad, then you should consider using the steroid cream, but at the same time build up your health from the inside like others have said, hopefully the need to use the cream will become less over time with improved internal health.
Have you tried cutting out dairy? often dairy is root of skin problems for people.
It might be worth staying clear of all dairy for 1-2 weeks, that includes, milk, yogurt, cheese etc it will be interesting to see how your skin reacts to this change. I do think 1 week may not be enough. Also increase your intake of veges.
I would suggest that eczema is tackled in a few ways. Treat an acute flare up by any means possible, but take a long term view of changing you diet and any topical treatments a a more natural, organic approach.
As others have said, cut out dairy and reduce all your toxin overloads as much as possible. You should start to see a marked improvement in your skin within a few days.