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Thread: Sagging skin

  1. #1

    Sagging skin

    Has anyone seen or used a Derma roller for sagging skin?
    My face is now at a stage where a face lift would take years off me, but neither can I afford one, or be willing to have one. I find the whole end result quite in-natural looking, and is it me, or do these people tend to look beyond their years after a while?

    Anyway, I have read about derma rollering and how it can help to make the skin rejuvenate itself by triggering the healing /collagen/elastin process.

    I like the fact it can be done at home and is a natural approach to facial rejuvenation.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    'Up North'
    I've never heard of a derma roller, what is it?

  3. #3
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    I hope this helps answer your question.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louise View Post
    I hope this helps answer your question
    Good lord! surely that is not legal! It looks horrific, why would you put yourself through that?

  5. #5
    Member Daisy82's Avatar
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    Thats not what I expected to see when I saw the title sagging skin. Apart from the fact it looks incredibly painful, does it really improve sagging skin? lets be hones here, if it were so easy then all the celebs would do it, instead they pay for the old tried and test method - a face lift.

    This is surely damage for damage sake.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    I admit this looks awful, but it is less painful than it looks and I do think it is relatively affective at improving the look of your skin. I don't think that it is possible to turn a 70 year old face back to the youthful skin of a 20 year old. That is just my honest opinion. I would love to be proved otherwise. I do think there is benefit to maximising your skin health while it is still healthy and relatively tight.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    This is utter madness, what people will go through in the name of beauty!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louise View Post
    I admit this looks awful, but it is less painful than it looks and I do think it is relatively affective at improving the look of your skin. I don't think that it is possible to turn a 70 year old face back to the youthful skin of a 20 year old. That is just my honest opinion. I would love to be proved otherwise. I do think there is benefit to maximising your skin health while it is still healthy and relatively tight.
    Have you tried this Louise?

  9. #9
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AletheaRiggs View Post
    Have you tried this Louise?
    Yes I have, I was curious about the concept, it seemed to make sense to me. I use it on my face and neck about twice a month. Im please with the difference it has made to my skin.

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    I use a derma roller and have done for years. I use it on my face, neck and upper arms. I can be a little uncomfortable, but I wouldn't call it painful. I don't bring blood to my skin like in the video, to be honest I give my skin a good work out with fairly long needles and have never drawn blood, so I dread to think what pressure they are using.

    Immediately after using the derma roller you have a 'sunburned' feeling on your face and neck, slightly sore heat feeling, so I slather on a thick layer of a soothing anti-aging skin mask and I find my skin soaks it up and feels better. The redness only lasts the evening, and the next day it feels very, very mildly tender to touch, no redness, then after this my skin looks amazing and has a glow and even tone to it.

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