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Thread: Lock down weight gain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Lock down weight gain

    While some people used the opportunity of lock down to get healthy and shape up, I spent the time sampling home baking and moving a little less, soaking up the vitamin D rays, this has led to my clothes shrinking in the wash and a reprogramming of my stomach to demand food way more than prior to lock down

    Inspiration to get back on track with some top tips would be very welcome

  2. #2
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    I don’t think you are alone in your shrinking clothes problem. Oddly, I had the same problem but have purposely continued to wear the clothes that don’t fit comfortably as a reminder. I think the worse thing you can do is start wearing clothes that stretch and make you feel comfortable, as we can so easily keep stretching into them.

    Obviously if you are happy with your weight, then keep the status quo, but in general if you have gained significant weight it is probably due to an increase in unhealthy food choices, rather than over eating fruit, veg, nuts and seeds.
    Organically Pure
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  3. #3
    Member sophie's Avatar
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    I feel your pain Sian, I think I went on a bit of a comfort binge during lockdown, but I have started to eat healthier options, and be more aware of the choices I am making. It’s hard though, it’s like my body has a memory for all the ‘naughty’ food.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Surely, you just need to stop eating the new rubbish and return to your previous habits, why do you feel you need help to accomplish this?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Colette View Post
    Surely, you just need to stop eating the new rubbish and return to your previous habits, why do you feel you need help to accomplish this?
    I understand what your saying Colette, but remember, processed foods are addictive, they are designed to be, so it is very hard to overcome that addictive demand on the body. I think it’s fair to ask for support.

  6. #6
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    I think it is important to maximise nutrition, then your body is likely to crave stuff.

    What I do when I’m trying to cut down on crap foods, is I eat all healthy stuff, promising I can have the other food if I still want it after I’ve eaten the good stuff, slowly I notice I’m more inclined to not return to my poor way of eating.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    I agree with Eve, it is important to maximise your nutrition, you are less likely to crave other foods, where possible eat whole foods, but if you are craving sweet food, eat mangoes, berries, yogurt with berries and honey, they will satisfy your craving and slowly teach your body to crave healthier options. If you crave savoury try having vege sticks with a hummus dip that you’ve added chilli or spices to. The added vitamins will help to boost your health and vitality, making you feel more energised and happier. In time you will eat less and your body will return to its natural healthy weight.
    Organically Pure
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  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    I did the same and seemed to be constantly grazing on snacks throughout the day. I have found if I have an image of someone I aspire to look like it spurs me on and just don’t bakes the cakes or buy snacks.

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