I love a good sandwich, but the bread does not suit me and I really do want to cut processed grain out of my diet. Does anyone have any recommendations for alternatives?
I love a good sandwich, but the bread does not suit me and I really do want to cut processed grain out of my diet. Does anyone have any recommendations for alternatives?
Bread....BREAD! It’s my biggest down full, I do love it, but it does not have the same affinity to me!
I have chosen not to find an alternative, instead I stay away from it. But I understand that does mean a huge impact on the classic picnic, or work lunch. I have read a lot about a healthy bread called Ezekiel bread, for a long time it was not available in the UK, but it is becoming more popular. It is made from sprouted grain, making it a far healthier option with health benefits. Having never tried it, I can not comment on its taste.
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Isn't Ezekiel bread still grain though?
The grain is sprouted, so it takes on a whole different Set of Health benefits.
I have found that seeded brown bread makes me blow up like a balloon, I thought white bread was the worst?
It’s bread that is made from sprouted grain, which means that it is healthier than normal whole grain bread, because the sprouting process makes the nutrients more bio-available. Meaning we absorb the nutrients, rather than the just pass through out gut as roughage.
Also sprouted grain contains more fibre than non-sprouted grain.
I’ve tried to find it in this country, it is really hard to find, I’d love to try some. I wonder if it is easier on the digestive system, with being sprouted.
Surely Ezekiel bread is not a bread alternative, which is what the OP asked for!