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Thread: Healthy snacks

  1. #1

    Healthy snacks

    Hi, Can anyone recommend recipes/food ideas for snacks. I seem to struggle for ideas for healthy snacks.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    We use a dip (usually organic hummus), with a plate or lunch box full of dip friendly veg sticks. Maybe you could change things around a bit, different veg's for different days, or have a mix of brightly coloured veg. Kids seem to love the fact this is a fingers type of food.

  3. #3
    Hi, I found this picture, (I hope it up loads properly) It would take me longer to explain the suggestions. I give my kids the wraps and put peanut butter and banana in them, or hummus and lettuce. They seem to enjoy them.

  4. #4
    Just an apple or a banana will be a great snack for you. Edamame and yogurt are also not bad.

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