My Mother is suffering from arthritic pain and this seems to be worsening, limiting her life and having the knock on effect of depression. Her knees seem to be most effected.
Any suggestions to help improve her pain relief and her lifestyle?
My Mother is suffering from arthritic pain and this seems to be worsening, limiting her life and having the knock on effect of depression. Her knees seem to be most effected.
Any suggestions to help improve her pain relief and her lifestyle?
I saw a magnetic bracelet for arthritis, I’m not sure if there is any medical proof that magnets work but it’s worth looking into![]()
Tart Cherry’s are said to be very good for arthritis pain and gout. I know you can but cherry concentrate (it’ll be expensive) and also cherry extract capsules from health food stores.
That’s a really good point, I’ve read quite a bit about medical grade magnets. The use of magnets makes perfect sense when you accept that we are energy based. The magnets help to concentrate the energy to areas of pain to help reduce the inflammation.
Copper bracelets are also common, and there is a really polarised view of their efficacy. Some swear by them, others, not so.