I recently watched this video, it is a bit long and draw out, but worth a watch and links in with everything I understand Colic to be, but always wondered why more isn’t made about it with the GP.
I recently watched this video, it is a bit long and draw out, but worth a watch and links in with everything I understand Colic to be, but always wondered why more isn’t made about it with the GP.
When I was a baby my parents said I cried constantly, always crying, sick a lot, colic etc eventually I seemingly grew out of it, but as I became an adult I decided to become vegan and cut out all dairy, I noticed a massive change in my health and joint pain. But because I was going through a transition I would occasionally eat dairy at great cost to my health. The connection was very obvious, Dairy and I are not friends!
When I told my Mother about my light bulb moment she said..... well, that might explain why you were such a miserable baby.as a toddler and teenager, I didn’t eat or drink much in the way of dairy, so the connection wasn’t really made.
I think a lot of babies that are considered to suffer from Colic are simply reacting to ingredients in their milk either through the breast or via formula. Ultimately I guess what the mother eats, the baby drinks.
Colic is so horrible, as a parent you feel so helpless!
Are there such a thing as probiotics for infants? Or maybe healthy non dairy formulas. Maybe Mothers who are breast feeding could change from dairy to alternatives and add probiotics into their own diet.
If you imagine the same issue as an adult you would say it is because something doesn’t agree with you, it is giving you gastric reflux or indigestion. As an adult I have swapped my milk bottle for a wine bottle, which equally gives me reflux!![]()
I’m not sure swapping your milk bottle for a wine bottle is a good plan but I like your styleI used to buy special feeding bottles when my children were babies to reduce colic and they were great.
These popped up on my Facebook time line, so just had to share https://www.cytoplan.co.uk/baby-biot...source=ometria
I think mothers don’t make the connection between the food and drink they consume and the milk that is made for their baby. I’d love to see some studies on babies that have been nurtured by parents with different dietary choices. I think it would be fascinating to see the differences in the child’s health, mannerism, intelligence, growth.