4th November 2016, 15:51
I am really interested in the idea that our ailments are an expression of our health, this site really seems to highlight that, that is the case.
I have developed adult acne (I never had it as a teenager), I have had it for some time now and it has really made me feel self conscious of people looking at me. I have had antibiotics from the doctor and tried gels and creams, all with some benefit, but non lasting. All symptom management.
I would like to deal with the cause, does anyone have any suggestions?
(I can't believe you have an acne simile)
7th November 2016, 17:21
I think that skin conditions are an outward sign of internal problems. So putting things on your skin, without taking care of the inner you will mean you are fighting a losing battle.
look for foods that help to reduce inflammation, and are beneficial for skin. flush out toxins with drinking water.
8th November 2016, 13:46
Hi Teri23, I've just started a thread on Chinese medicine, in it I mention about acne.
Chinese medicine links acne with the stomach, so this might suggest that if you changed your diet, added in some probiotics for digestion or just was more mindful of the food you were eating your acne may start to improve.
I don't know anything about Chinese medicine, and maybe a practitioner would have a different treatment, but it is worth a go.
8th November 2016, 22:28
Hi Teri23,
Acne is such a terrible condition with affects us mentally, as much as it affects our appearance. Sulfur is known to be very beneficial for the treatment of acne.
These benefits can be gained from topical treatments in the form of soaps or creams, and in dietary format too.
The healing properties are gained from the natural antibiotic properties in sulfur.
10th November 2016, 09:30
Jade26, thanks for the post, I don't know anything about Chinese medicine, but the link is interesting. I do get bloating after I've eaten. Presumed this was normal, but maybe it's digestive issues.
I'll certainly look more into it, I'll let you know.
12th November 2016, 16:48
Hi, This may sound a bit random, but have you seen the articles on using banana peel on your face?
wipe the inside of the banana peel on your face, and leave on for about 30 minutes, (meanwhile eat the banana), then wash off.
After a daily treatment for a few days, your skin should look less red, and much improved.
16th November 2016, 10:15
Tea tree is oil is very old fashioned remedy, but it works. Purchase the organic essential oil and add it to some coconut oil and use it as a cleanser or moisturiser. Make sure your oil is organic raw, so it is as natural as it can be, no added chemicals which means less irritation to your skin.
21st November 2016, 22:25
Try wiping a piece of fresh lemon across your acne, it will help clear up your skin and de-Slough old skin cells.
24th November 2016, 08:13
I have suffered from the odd bout of hormonal spots, always occurring in the same places, cheeks, nose and forehead. I wouldn't consider it acne, but it does seem to be frequented by a redness that seems to stay indefinitely.
So, I did a bit of searching and decided to concoct my own routine and I have seen a difference in my skin within days.
First, I wipe a piece of fresh Lemon around my face, this stings a little on open spots.
I leave this to dry, then wash off after a period of time, this time varies according to what I am doing, so it may be 5 ,minutes or up to an hour.
I then moisturise with coconut oil and a splash of tea tree oil (essential oil), at night, I wash and apply tea tree oil directly and sparingly, (not near the eyes). I finish off with some horse chestnut cream, that takes away the redness.
This routine has worked a treat, the lemon and tea tree get rid of bacteria, both very natural and the horse chestnut reduces redness.
25th November 2016, 20:46
I found out today that Zinc is excellent for acne, and general skin conditions. Add some pumpkin seeds in your diet.
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