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Thread: Gadgets

  1. #1


    For those of you who are into their gadgets and health....has anyone seen this new health tracker on the market. It comes in at about £100, and doubles up as a phone cover.

    It's called Kito+ and can monitor, your ECG, Resps, Temperature and blood oxygen.

  2. #2
    Administrator Louise's Avatar
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    Interesting Kellyjames, thanks for sharing.

    Although, I do wonder if your heart rate and resps could be checked manually

  3. #3
    Administrator Louise's Avatar
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    I saw these scales and thought they were pretty cool. I love the fact the information on the scales is sent to an app on your phone, helping you to track your weight and fat loss. Although, at £140.00 I would want it to be my personal chef too

  4. #4
    Blooming hell, posh scales, but way overpriced. I've seen similar with a different brand name. Shop around if you want something like this.

  5. #5
    Administrator Louise's Avatar
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    have you seen the Lumie bodyclock light? Designed to wake you up gradually with increasing natural light, the changing light helps your body alter hormone production and prepare you for the day ahead.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Louise View Post
    have you seen the Lumie bodyclock light? Designed to wake you up gradually with increasing natural light
    The idea is great, but surely it is against nature, therefore it has an unnatural effect on the human body, doesn't it?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Yogi001 View Post
    Blooming hell, posh scales, but way overpriced. I've seen similar with a different brand name. Shop around if you want something like this.
    I like the idea of these scales though, I would invest in a pair, definitely.

  8. #8
    I saw this 'SITU scale', so I thought I would share it on here. It says it is a food scale that talks to your Ipad. It weighs your food and total nutrients and feeds that back to your Ipad.
    I will warn you, it is not cheap; Amazon Uk have it for £84

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Kellyjames View Post
    It comes in at about £100..... can monitor, your ECG, Resps, Temperature and blood oxygen.
    What the point of spending £100 on this gadget? You can feel your own pulse, count your own resps and tell if your oxygen is low.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Caree View Post
    The idea is great, but surely it is against nature, therefore it has an unnatural effect on the human body, doesn't it?
    I think that's the point of the clock, while the bulb is unnatural compared the sun, it is not quite as unnatural waking up for work at 5am in the winter, when it pitch black outside and expecting your body to function instantly. The lives we live today is unnatural

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