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Thread: Matcha

  1. #1
    Administrator Louise's Avatar
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    I have to admit I do love a coffee, but it doesn't love me. I wouldn't call myself a big coffee drinker but I did like a good quality, strong coffee and despite numerous alternative drinks I struggled to find one that hit the spot, until now!

    First of all, it is nothing like a coffee, so it isn't a healthy alternative. It is something very different. Bright green in colour and full of health giving benefits, it is said to be ten times better for you than green tea.

    Either way, it is a drink that is becoming increasing popular, and in my opinion I think it is nicer than green tea, not as bitter and more palatable.

    Cheekily, Once I have used the tea bag, I empty the contents into my smoothie for added benefits and so as not to waste anything

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    I've been drinking Matcha green tea which is very nice, and an improvement on Green tea alone. I'm not sure how many you are supposed to drink a day to notice significant benefits, but I do feel more energised if I aim to drink about 4 mugs a day. I leave my bag in for the duration of the drink.

  3. #3
    Administrator Louise's Avatar
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    I've posted a quick article sumerising the main benefits of Matcha tea. I've noticed a real boost of energy lasting about 4 hours post drinking.

  4. #4
    Member sophie's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing, I have tried green tea, and found it a bit harsh at times, so I gave this version of Matcha a try, and I'd recommend it. It's smoother than green tea, with the added benefits of Matcha.

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  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    I do agree with you about a huge of health benefits of matcha. It helps burn fat and fight many types of cancer. And also boost memory and concentration. Its tatse is better than green tea. Drinking something just because it’s healthy can be a lot like swallowing medicine. It’s unpleasant and you dread it, but you feel obligated to do it. Fortunately, unlike a lot of other teas which require sugar, milk, or lemon to make them palatable to the average consumer, matcha is absolutely wonderful all by itself.
    But I'm not sure whether matcha is better than green tea or not. Actually, matcha is a kind of green tea. Because green tea also can lower the risk of cancer as well as aid weight loss. It can boost energy, good for heart health, dental health and skin health. With green tea, people can really live longer. For me, green tea is such a wonderful beverage. As it helps me to get rid of smokers cough, which is a nightmare to me for a long time. Just by consuming a few cups of hot green tea, my cough disappeared easily while I had tried many antibiotics before. It's so amazing!

  6. #6
    I've recently got hold of Matcha tea in the form of a powder from a company called 'Purechimp', it was a tiny pot, but so far I've been adding it to everything and there still seems loads left.

    It is Matcha tea in its purest form, whereas a lot of the Matcha tea products are combined with other green teas. It has a subtle taste, but if you put too much in, it can taste a bit like spirulina or a mild seaweed. I find it a mild stimulant, which just helps you to keep on going throughout the day.

  7. #7
    I gave this tea a go, and I have to agree with the previous comments about its subtle taste. I found this bit of info about the benefits of Matcha...

    Consuming Green tea increased thermogenesis (the bodys rate at burning calories) from 8-10% to 35 a 43%

    Exercising immediately after drinking Matcha tea resulted in an increase of 25% of more fat burning

    Matcha tea can enhance both resting metabolic and fat burning abilities.

    Consider me a convert!

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Matcha seems the new buzz word on the street, I've tried a green powder called Matcha that you put into a cup and it has a unique earthy taste, but I have to admit, I don't think it's something I could get hooked on. Is it just another health fad that we are all being sucked into and goes against what this site is about.... unprocessed food.

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    I have to say, it's not for me, it tastes like a really weak wheatgrass shot, to be honest, I think I would prefer the wheatgrass shot.

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