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Thread: Grounding

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    I have heard that if you walk on grass, or on earth (dirt) your body 'grounds' itself. I have heard this is very important to us, but I don't really understand why.

    Does anyone else understanding this concept of grounding and can explain the importance of it?

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Grounding or earthing is said to benefits by getting rid of the positive ions that build up in our bodies from the everyday stresses and strains. These positive ions are like free radicals and can lead to ill health and chronic disease. By walking on grass or mud barefoot it synchronises you with the earths negative irons. It is said to help reduce inflammation, bring down high blood pressure, de-stress us loads of things.

    It sounds quite a hippy concept, but it is very natural and 'what we used to do'. Unfortunately, shoes and flooring, paths and roads have got in the way. Additionally, parents often tell their children not to go outside unless they have their shoes on. So this ancient remedy has got lost over the years.

    Give it a try!

  3. #3
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    I think this is supposed to be really beneficial if you work with computers all day, or are surrounded by technology. All of which produce positive ions.

  4. #4
    There is some very interesting research done on the effects of grounding and blood, have a look at this video

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teri23 View Post
    There is some very interesting research done on the effects of grounding and blood, have a look at this video
    Thanks for sharing this Teri23, this is fascinating stuff, it begs the questions what other amazing things does it do to our bodies and health?

  6. #6
    From what I understand, they don't really understand the full impact our technological environment has on us, but they do know that grounding or earthing can instantly negate the immediate exposure.

    What is not also fully understood is how long the grounding effects have on our health, so the longer and more frequently you can do it, the better.

    It is also worth removing electrical equipment out of your bedroom as much as possible to reduce your exposure.

  7. #7
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    Grounding helps you sleep better, think about the times you've walked along the beach bare footed, had the power of the negative ions all around you, you sleep so soundly that night.

    Especially now the better weather is here, find ways to incorporate walking, lying, sitting on the grass for 30-60 minutes you will feel the benefits.

  8. #8
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    You can by grounding/earthing shoes, they have a little core in them that allows you to be grounded when wearing shoes. I'm not sore if this means you need to walk around on the grass all the time or whether tarmac is just as good!

  9. #9
    The blood effects look impressive, but once an individual gets back in front of a computer or interacts with anything electrical won't that reverse everything they have just acheieved through the grounding process?

  10. #10
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    I found this site on earthing it seems to be very informative and may help to answer some of your questions. They also sell earthing mats and other products to help you connect to earth.

    Here is a great video which they share on their site, it may answer a few questions....or open up more.

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