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Thread: Non-fluoride toothpaste

  1. #1

    Non-fluoride toothpaste

    Hi, my first post here.

    Having just read the article on fluoride, can anyone recommend a non-fluoride toothpaste and point me in the direction I can buy it from please.

  2. #2
    Administrator Louise's Avatar
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    Hi Yogi001,

    A huge welcome to organically pure and thank you for your question. The article on fluoride is quite thought provoking and the information certainly resulted in me making some changes in my home. I think life is about reducing the risk as much as possible.

    I found it really hard to buy non-fluoride toothpaste in conventional shops, but thankfully there is normally a limited range available in health food shops and on health websites. I personally use Lavera (link) and while it took a little getting used to, I'm happy with the care my teeth and with the benefits to my health.

  3. #3
    Administrator Louise's Avatar
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    Hi Yogi001,

    Just a quick follow-up, click this link to go to a great website

    There is a variety of non-fluoride toothpastes with multiple different flavours. I hope this helps.

  4. #4
    Hi Louise, thank you for your advice and link to the Lavera toothpaste, I have just ordered some from the Holland & Barrett web site.

  5. #5
    Administrator Louise's Avatar
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    Hi yogi001,

    Let us know how you get on with it.

  6. #6


    I have been able to purchase fluoride free tooth paste from Holland and Barrett, its a aloe vera one

  7. #7
    As a complete alternative to toothpaste in its usual format, have you tried coconut oil pulling?

    It is supposed to help whiten your teeth, removes bacteria, and improves your teeth and gum health. Give it a try.

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    I was really shocked to hear about the affects of fluoride. I think it is astonishing that this toxin is allowed to be in our toothpaste, I doubt many people stick to the control 'pea' size.
    I changed to non-fluoride toothpaste a few years ago and although it took some getting used to, I wouldn't go back. My moth is so much healthier for it.

    On the odd occasion I have used a fluoride paste, I have had lumps in my mouth appear, the minute I change to my normal toothpaste, the lumps go.

  9. #9
    I've used fluoride free toothpaste for a few years now, I found I just kept getting mouth ulcers and painful dots on my tongue.

    Since changing to fluoride free, I haven't suffered again. I made this change before I learnt about the risks of fluoride to health.

  10. #10
    Administrator Louise's Avatar
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    Fluoride is a byproduct from the production of superphosphate fertilizer, and is used as a stomach poison for plant-feeding insects, it is known to interfere with electron transport and calcium metabolism. This stuff is toxic to humans, and whilst the fluoride in your toothpaste is a small amount, you have to consider the other forms of ingestion of fluoride. Toothpaste is one way to limit your intake.
    Please read the back of your toothpaste, it will tell you not to swallow it, only to use it twice a day, not more. It will also tell you that if you are getting fluoride from other sources, then speak to your dentist. Your mouth absorbs chemicals into your blood stream, if the product is not safe to be in your stomach, then surely it is not safe to be in your mouth.
    Fluoride does not prevent cavities, eating whole food does, cutting out sugar and processed food helps to prevent cavities.
    Read, learn and make your choices

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