You've lost weight! How did you do it?
, 1st November 2016 at 20:33 (9348 Views)
I am fascinated by the reactions I get when I answer the age old question, "You've lost weight, how did you do it?" Obviously, I am grateful people have noticed, but I am always intrigued by their reaction when I tell them my secret; I cut out sugar and ate whole foods.
I see the sparkle in their eyes diminish to a glazed, opaque version of what was once there. I feel like I have let them down, and find myself apologising that my answer wasn't more interesting. The recipients shoulders slump, in a dejected way and I try hard to spice it up and little, but the simple answer is whole food, the way nature intended and cut out sugar and processed food.
I see my answer hasn't convinced my enquirer, who, it seems would rather have heard an answer which was marketable. I am not sure why the thought of changing ones diet to elicit a change in body shape is surprising. After all, the diet I was on was providing me with a shape that resembled a Christmas tree bauble, so it stands to reason I would have to change that diet to obtain a different shape.
There remains a disconnection in society between the food and drink we consume and the effect it has on our body, mind and health. I wonder if there will ever come a time when society will wake up to this connection