I couldn't believe this video, if this man had been slightly faster, or slower he would have been fine, talk about pinpoint accuracy!
I couldn't believe this video, if this man had been slightly faster, or slower he would have been fine, talk about pinpoint accuracy!
Damn! what are the chances of that!
That guy surely died, he must have made a mess of his face when he face planted the floor....ouch!
Hi Tom32,
It appears he survived the initial incident, who knows whether he went on to have further complications
Crikey! Its amazing that man is alive, although I have to say I am quite surprised at the actions of those around the poor man, it appears no one wants to comfort/reassure him, Everyone seems quite stand offish, its quite sad really.
I've seen something similar to this before, Just out of curiosity, who would be to blame for this? would it be an accident? or could it be the fault of someone?
This is terrible, but do you actually believe in the notion that when your time is up, it's up?
Because surely that would open up the debate that our lives are pre-destined. This would mean that whatever you do, however you live your fate, time and outcome will remain the same.
I have to agree, our lives and universe are created in a way that no two days are the same, no two people are the same, everyone and everything is unique. It would seem a flaw in the system if there was a rule that said our lifespans are controlled.
However, it does leave that question as to how some people can fall off a cliff and survive and others fall over in the street and die.![]()
I think you are over complicating life, to put any other agenda into our time of dying other than a fluke, accident, illness or age is to make our existence something that is controlled at every decision we make and every situation we encounter.
It is too complicated and based on the fact every single person on the planet is unique it would make your theory beyond impossible.