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Thread: Ulcerative colitis

  1. #1

    Ulcerative colitis

    A dear friend of my daughter has suffered with ulcerative colitis for several months now and has terrible bouts of pain and is now becoming agoraphobic because she is scared to leave the house in case she becomes ill. She is only 18 years of age with her whole life ahead of her and I am worried that she is becoming isolated. Please can anyone recommend any treatments to alleviate her symptoms from this awful illness? Thanking you in advance.

  2. #2
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    This is really sad to hear Jules, I have never had experience of it myself, but I am aware of the psychological impact this has on people, where you whole life is planned around toilet stops.
    I have heard that people have often resorted to having a bag fitted to their stomach, where the bowel is redirected, purely so they can have form of control over their lives.
    It can lead to malnutrition and depression, and as you say, agoraphobia.

    Unfortunately, I don't have any suggestions to make, but I just wanted to say how debilitating the condition is and I hope the young lady finds a way to ease and manage her symptoms.

  3. #3
    Thank you so much Liz, she does suffer with her weight. She is tiny and I think she is suffering from depression bless her. Thank you for being kind enough to reply.

  4. #4
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    I suffered from ulcerative colitis for many years and let me tell you, it is a painful, debilitating condition. It affected every aspect of my life, I became agoraphobic simply because it was easier. At night I would get up 4-5 times to go to the toilet and often had to rush. 'Messing' myself became something I just had to accept at times. Visiting peoples houses, going out, having day trips or simply doing the shopping caused so much anxiety. It also affected my relationships with family and friends.

    I couldn't take anymore, I lived on steroids, which in themselves cause major problems. I decided to have a stoma,a bag fitted to my stomach. It was a big decision and let's me honest a deformity of my body. There's a reason the maker put your bottom hole around the back!! . It wasn't fun emptying the bag as the smell wafts directly under your nose. But, it was something I quickly accepted for the freedom it has allowed me, I now have more control of my bodily functions and now no longer have to search for public toilets.

    It isn't a decision to be taken lightly and I should imagine it would be a bigger decision for a young woman due to body dysmorphia issues. But, if and when the time comes that the decision needs to be considered she should be advised... it will be the best decision she ever made.

  5. #5
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    I would suggest that anyone suffering from ulcerative colitis cut out all refined sugar and make sure they take a variety of health supplements (Vitamins, minerals etc) to help supplement the poor absorption of nutritional essentials.

  6. #6
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    Have you seen the thread on FMT? I think there is a video on it too somewhere on this forum, maybe admin could put a link up for you.
    Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting the young woman have a FMT, in fact I don't think it is even possible in the country, but I am suggesting you consider the story around FMT.

    FMT centers around the concept of good bacteria in your gut. Research is showing that by maximising the good bacteria, digestive issues may be relieved. But I don't think a pot of yogurt or a small bacteria drink is going to cut it. I'm talking bacteria on an industrial scale and a healthy diet to support the continued growth of good bacteria, that means NO sugar (cakes, biscuits, sweets, deserts etc) I'm sure you get the idea. Try a good supplement to rid yourself of bad bacteria (try candigone) and then blast it with a good probiotic on a large scale.

    I would think you will see some great benefits. Keep everything as natural as possible and I would think you should feel some benefit within 1month. Check with your doctor before trying anything new, just to make sure it doesn't interfere with any other mess you are already taking.

    good luck in your quest to regain your life back, I wish you all the best.

  7. #7
    Thank you so much for all your advice. Linon, how awful you must feel, I am so sorry to hear how much you have suffered. I will pass on all this information and I hope it helps her make a more considered choice.

  8. #8
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    Isn't Aloe Vera supposed to be good for ulcerative colitis? It might be worth taking a couple of shots morning and evening and then add some to her favourite cold drink to sip throughout the day.

    Aloe Vera is an anti-inflammatory and has been shown to offer some benefit to people, it's cheap and easy to get hold of, but I would say source a decent variety, ask around for people's opinion of aloe.

  9. #9
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    I watched a documentary type film where these people went away on a retreat and had juices and over time they were predominantly cured of their illness or symptoms.

    One of the guys had Ulcerative colitis and he had raw cabbage juice and he was much improved by the end of the filming. I can't recall the name of the film off the top of my head, but if I do, I'll post it up.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
    I watched a documentary type film where these people went away on a retreat and had juices and over time they were predominantly cured of their illness or symptoms.

    One of the guys had Ulcerative colitis and he had raw cabbage juice and he was much improved by the end of the filming. I can't recall the name of the film off the top of my head, but if I do, I'll post it up.
    I remember this film well, it was by Jason Vale, he was inspired by the death of his Mother, I recommend anyone watch it as it really brings home the importance of diet and how it affects our health in so many ways.

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