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Thread: Clean eating, is it all that it is cracked up to be?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    Clean eating, is it all that it is cracked up to be?

    I was forwarded this article by a dear friend of mine, and I found that I reacted quite passionately to it.

    I also found that I had a different view of the people I had regarded as advocates for the healthier eating lifestyle,;I suddenly found myself disliking their message. See what you think...

  2. #2
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    I read this, in what way did it change your view on some of the current healthy advocates mentioned in the article?

    I was a little confused as to what diet he recommended instead of a clean eating diet.

  3. #3
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    The author took an extreme case of people and judged clean eating on those people. That is the same as comparing super morbidly obese people with over weight people. With everything in life there will always be a small population the take it to the extreme.

    That is more to do with their mental health than their diet choice.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pansy View Post
    The author took an extreme case of people and judged clean eating on those people. That is the same as comparing super morbidly obese people with over weight people. With everything in life there will always be a small population the take it to the extreme.

    That is more to do with their mental health than their diet choice.
    I agree with you. The author should have considered the options and comparisons of diets before writing an article which really does not help anyone.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gymbunny View Post
    I read this, in what way did it change your view on some of the current healthy advocates mentioned in the article?

    I was a little confused as to what diet he recommended instead of a clean eating diet.
    Firstly, I think it would be fair to say, my statement was based on the information in the article, so, to be honest I think I am being a little unfair to these advocates for healthier living. I just found that the article suggested that they lacked the knowledge of the whole plant diet, but more over the article suggested they encouraged a very restrictive diet, leading people think that a plant based, wholefood diet is difficult to follow and maintain.

  6. #6
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    It's like with all things, it has been taken to the extreme by some people. The article even refers to clean eating leading to orthorexia and those 'thinking' about orthorexia. What a stupid point to make. I think about stuffing myself with cream cakes but does that mean the cake industry should be banned?

    It is a shame that the concept of clean eating (which was whole food, not processed) has become another manufactured diet, the irony is that in itself it has become a processed concept.

  7. #7
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    I think the term ‘Clean eating’ has been somewhat abused, but I think the message and the intention is still valid. There is too much processed food available and people need to start connecting the dots and linking it to their ill health, chronic health conditions and general lethargy.

    So what if it is a buzz word, abused by the few celebs that can and should know better, the benefit is, that they are the ones that can get the message out, even if it is only told in half truths.

  8. #8
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    I think Danialfel has a point, the celebs may have taken something important and made it more of a celebrity fad, but in truth, it is these people that have the social media following to raise the profile and importance of changing your diet. An awareness of the crap in our food, however it comes, is never a bad thing.

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