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Thread: Soap

  1. #1
    Senior Member Louise's Avatar
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    Not really a health product per se, but certainly one that is healthy for my skin and the environment.

    While having my morning wash and enjoying the fragrance from my products it dawned on me about the amount of plastic waste we produce in just washing ourselves, from shampoo and conditioner bottles, face washes, face creams, eye creams, etc

    So I want to share with you my Soap, it is beautiful, it supports the bees, helps the environment with its paper packaging, it uses natural products to reduce my toxic load and gives me a smug grin on my face in the knowledge that I am not adding to the huge build up of human waste. Click the picture to go to the website.

    Name:  34E939C3-0DE7-41D0-A473-C746386538CA.jpg
Views: 2009
Size:  7.7 KB

    If soap scum drives you mad, like me , just buy a soap holder, it keeps your soap clean, dry and mess free!
    Organically Pure
    Changing the way you live your life

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Australia, Carrum Downs
    I can always tell when someone uses proper soap, they always smell clean and fresh. You don’t get that long lingering smell with shower washes.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Australia, Carrum Downs

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Beatrice View Post
    Wow this is a blast from the past I remember these as a child, I loved the way the soap magically stuck to the holder

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    I was always told never to use soap on your face as it strips all the natural oils and have to say it’s not something I use as a body wash but I really need to stop using shower gels in plastic bottles

  6. #6
    Soap is becoming popular again but still not many products readily available just the usual plastic bottles!

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